Our roadmap to success always begins with an alignment of interests.
Now Investing Fund IV
For over 20 years, we have been a private equity fund that has partnered with U.S. lower middle-market companies looking to take advantage of our C-level expertise. Our fully transparent working style, diverse professional experience and collaborative process result in simpler and faster transactions for all parties involved. With our One-Stop Solution, sellers, management teams and investors all win. We think this unique capital approach raises the bar for the entire private equity industry.
$3–15 Million
$10–100 Million
It’s a fact: when all the capital comes from one source, management can react faster to timely opportunities or challenges while keeping the long term in mind.
Champlain professionals have invested over $1 billion in more than 70 companies. Their track record in building success comes from first cultivating great relationships.
Our One-Stop Solution is well suited to add value to niche businesses, including consumer products, manufacturing, business services, healthcare and value-added distribution.